This post is three years overdue! I have been planning to start a blog for quite some time but kept postponing it. I always wanted the blog to be perfect – to have a number of foundation articles that form the basis to all ideas mentioned in the blog. I imagined these foundation articles to be deep, elegant and simple. But the harder I thought about them the more shallow, crude and complicated they seemed. Months and years passed by without writing a single word towards the blog! So I decided to let go and start writing. After all a badly written post is way better than a perfectly imagined one.
The main question that I had to answer before starting this blog is: why am I starting it? I didn’t want to start the blog without a clear motivation. Starting any project without being clear about our motivation usually leads to confusion, boredom and eventually abandonment of the project . My motivation to start the blog is in the tag line: “Let us talk about life”. That’s all what it is. It is not about self development, providing wisdom or claiming that I know any better. In fact my past’s certainties are my today’s doubts. How can I be sure that my today’s certainties won’t be my future’s doubts?
Finally, a little bit about me. My name is Tarek, I am originally from Syria, grew up in Emirates and have been living in Australia for 9 years. I studied electrical engineering, worked as an engineer for 5 years then decided to move to philosophy which I am currently studying.
I am excited to start this blog. I have the traveller’s attitude towards it – I see it as a journey that I don’t want to force its course.
Hope you will find the contents of this websites useful.
17 Apr 2014 No Comments
My First Post
This post is three years overdue! I have been planning to start a blog for quite some time but kept postponing it. I always wanted the blog to be perfect – to have a number of foundation articles that form the basis to all ideas mentioned in the blog. I imagined these foundation articles to be deep, elegant and simple. But the harder I thought about them the more shallow, crude and complicated they seemed. Months and years passed by without writing a single word towards the blog! So I decided to let go and start writing. After all a badly written post is way better than a perfectly imagined one.
The main question that I had to answer before starting this blog is: why am I starting it? I didn’t want to start the blog without a clear motivation. Starting any project without being clear about our motivation usually leads to confusion, boredom and eventually abandonment of the project . My motivation to start the blog is in the tag line: “Let us talk about life”. That’s all what it is. It is not about self development, providing wisdom or claiming that I know any better. In fact my past’s certainties are my today’s doubts. How can I be sure that my today’s certainties won’t be my future’s doubts?
Finally, a little bit about me. My name is Tarek, I am originally from Syria, grew up in Emirates and have been living in Australia for 9 years. I studied electrical engineering, worked as an engineer for 5 years then decided to move to philosophy which I am currently studying.
I am excited to start this blog. I have the traveller’s attitude towards it – I see it as a journey that I don’t want to force its course.
Hope you will find the contents of this websites useful.
by in Uncategorized